Car Seat Checks
Car Seat Checks
Did you know that in the U.S. approximately 59% of car seats are incorrectly installed?*
Installation Process
We will provide information to any family member or caregiver who is interested. Because this is a learning process, please plan on 30-60 minutes of time for us to adjust and train those involved.
Prior to A Car Seat Check
Please prepare and bring with you:
- Child's Birthdate or Due Date
- Car Seat Type/Brand
- New/Used Seat
- Year/Make of Vehicle
- Child (if available)
- Car Seat Manual
- Vehicle Owner's Manual
For more details, call La Crosse County Health Department (608) 785-9872
% of car seats installed incorrectly.

Request a Car Seat Check
Fill out the form and we will be in touch with you.