1960 - 1977

1978 - 1993

1994 - 2009

2010 - Current
Past Members in Alphabetic
Fire Chiefs In Order
Brian Lehmann - 2023 - Current

On Thursday, June 16, 2016, at 7 pm Asst Chief Brian Haydysch passed away. Chief Haydysch was a member of the Stoddard Bergen Fire Department for 41 years. He joined the department at age 18. During this time, Brian has served almost every Officer Position in the department, including Trustee, Secretary, Fire Lieutenant, 1st Responder Lieutenant, Captain, Second Assistant Chief, and his current position, Assistant Chief.
Brian’s training is vast and detailed. His training includes State Certified - Fire Fighter II, Haz-Mat Technician, Vehicle Extrication Technician, Water & Ice Rescue, Rope Rescue, and Wild Land Fire Fighting. Brian’s knowledge of emergency services runs very deep. Brian’s father was also a long-running member of the department and served as Assistant Fire Chief before he retired. Brian’s years of experience benefit the community and the people he has helped.
In 1982, Brian and four other members of the department saw the need for medical care for the community before an ambulance arrived. They did many fundraisers to purchase the equipment and training for the department to be one of the 1st organizations to have – First Responders/Fire Departments in the State of Wisconsin. Over the years, Brian has served on countless committees for the department for equipment and vehicle purchases, along with chair and co-chair positions for fundraiser events like the “Annual Big Walleye Tournament.”
Brian always had a calm and organized diligence about him. His vast experience in firefighting and responding to emergencies made him a valuable asset for a positive outcome in any event. During the Flood and Landslides of 2007 in Stoddard, our department of 30 responded to over 40 emergencies in less than 48 hours. Brian and 1 other firefighter remained at the station to prioritize, answer phone calls, and dispatch trucks to the calls. Because of the overwhelming calls, Vernon County could not communicate with our department via radio.
During this time, Brian and another 1st responder delivered a baby on the station apron. The mother and father could not drive to La Crosse due to a home that had slid off the bluff and was blocking State Highway 35.